Les Parcours Sportifs

A pied ou a vélo, sur route ou sur chemin, Pyrénées2vallées vous offre une multitude de parcours sur lesquels vous exprimer ! Les montagnes des vallées d'Aure et du Louron sont des terrains de jeu exceptionnels pour toutes les activités outdoor et de pleine nature. Que ce soit une randonnée familiale dans la réserve du Néouvielle, ou bien une descente en VTT dans la vallée du Louron, ces itinéraires n'attendent que vous !


Des applications mobiles de territoires dédiés à ces parcours sont disponibles sur IOS et Android :


Les parcours de Trail, VTT, et Cyclosport en vallée du Louron               

Logo Louron Bike & Trail


Les activités de montagne en Zona Zero

Let yourself be tempted by a ski touring outing in the Aure and Louron valleys. Discover snowy landscapes, breathe in the mountain air and admire the nature of the Hautes-Pyrénées. Ski touring is a winter sport for nature lovers that allows you to push your limits, work on your proprioception and strengthen your cardio-respiratory capacities. Would you like to practice ski touring? The resorts of Val Louron, Piau-Engaly, Peyragudes and the Néouvielle nature reserve (accessible from the resort of Saint-Lary in winter) offer many itineraries, including introductory slopes for people wishing to try this winter sport.  For beginners as well as the most experienced, the guides and certified ski instructors of the Aure and Louron valleys will be happy to help you discover the landscapes of the Hautes-Pyrénées in complete safety. It is strongly recommended to be accompanied by a professional. To make the mountains a pleasure, it is important to be well informed about the weather conditions and avalanche risks, to have the equipment required for winter practice, food and enough water for the outing.  Good to know: ski touring is not limited to winter, spring is the ideal period for this type of practice and conducive to ski raids at altitude!   

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Let yourself be tempted by the suggestions of Pyrénées2vallées and enjoy a life-size experience in our destination.