Discover the reserves of Néouvielle and Aulon
On the edge of the Pyrenees National Park, Pyrénées2vallées offers you two magical environments in the Aure valley to recharge your batteries all year round: the Néouvielle and Aulon nature reserves. Hiking among pines and marmots to the peaks, discover high mountain lakes and their dams, swim at high altitude in the clear waters of Néouvielle...
The Néouvielle national nature reserve: enjoy unbelievable hikes
Néouvielle is one of the 167 national nature reserves in France. This sumptuous natural environment of the Pyrenees attracts many tourists every summer for its 70 lakes with bewitching blue waters, its pine trees with hooks, its rocky massifs within easy reach, its diversified fauna... These natural mountain resources have been classified and actively protected by the public authorities since 1968. Easily accessible from the road or via the Saint-Lary-Soulan ski lifts, the Néouvielle Reserve is a unique setting for hikes or family outings in the Pyrenees, from 1800 to 3000m altitude. The Néouvielle national nature reserve can also be visited "from refuge to refuge" for a several-day immersion in the high mountains.

The Néouvielle Lakes Road
If you want to discover most of the reserve in a single day, we recommend you take the Route des lacs, from Saint-Lary-Soulan to Lake Aubert. You will discover 4 splendid lakes nestled between pine forests and granitic massifs. The ideal place for a family hike in the open air, without difficulty.

Aulon, a preserved natural environment between the 4 Véziaux, Bigorre and Saint-Lary
To the west, the Pic du Midi de Bigorre. To the east, Saint-Lary-Soulan and the upper Aure valley. In the middle of these great names of the Pyrenees is the Aulon regional nature reserve, a 1200 hectare natural area located at the foot of the Arbizon. Only accessible by foot, this magical place has kept its Pyrenean authenticity over time. A fervent defender of the reserve, the association La Frênette leads joint actions with the municipality of Aulon to safeguard this exceptional natural environment. Identification and protection of trees useful to animal species, a sharp decrease in public lighting in the commune of Aulon, meticulous monitoring of summer pastures... Throughout the year, the association's volunteers welcome you to the Aulon regional nature reserve, magnificent but so fragile.

A rich human activity, yesterday and today...
Since the Middle Ages, the Pyrenean shepherds have invested the Aulon nature reserve to let their herds graze there. Over the centuries, this agro-pastoral activity has become a local tradition that continues to this day. The reserve also welcomes a university public who have come to study the rich fauna and flora of this natural mountain environment: isards, marmots, thistles, Pyrenean irises... At nightfall, an unforgettable sight is before your eyes. Observe the stars at an altitude of 2000m in this natural environment labelled "International Dark Sky Reserve" (IDSR). To learn all about sky observation, attend the conferences and workshops every summer at the Maison de la Nature d'Aulon.

La Réserve Naturelle Régionale du Massif du Montious
Dernière-née des réserves de notre territoire, cet espace protégé de moyenne montagne est symbolique de la biodiversité rencontrée dans le piémont pyrénéen. Le splendide lac de Bordères-Louron borde la zone centrale protégée intégralement. Le site, identifié comme réservoir de biodiversité à l’échelle régionale, s’étage de 1 590 à 2 171 m d’altitude. Les principaux intérêts du site résident dans la présence d’une vieille forêt pyrénéenne ayant un très fort enjeu patrimonial, d’un lac et des communautés végétales associées.

Le parc National des Pyrénées
Le parc National des Pyrénées a été crée en 1967, afin de protéger toutes les caractéristiques de cet espace naturel typique des Pyrénées, que ce soit la biodiversité, la faune, la flore ou es paysages. Le parc national s'étend sur les départements des Hautes-Pyrénées et des Pyrénées Atlantiques, dont notamment une partie du territoire de P2V !

Les Sites Natura 2000 :
Le territoire de P2V comporte également plusieurs sites remarquables, protégés par le réseau européens des sites naturels, Natura 2000. Sur ces espaces, des mesures sont misent en place pour protéger la beauté du paysage ainsi que la biodiversité présente. Si vous allez vous balader dans ces espaces veillez à respecter les lieux !
Les 5 sites Natura 2000 de P2V :
- Estaubé, Gavarnie, Troumouse et Barroude
- Pic Long Campbielh
- Néouvielle
- Rioumajou Moudang
- Haut-Louron : Aygues Tortes, Caillauas, Gourgs Blancs, Gorges de Clarabide, pics des Pichadères et d'Estiouère, montagne de Tramadits

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